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Worship Schedule
May 19
Parable of Hidden Treasure - Matthew 13:44
Christ is a treasure to be found, but it is a treasure hidden among the competing messages of the world. When you find it, hold on to it and never let it go.
May 26
Parable of Pearl of Great Price - Matthew 13:45-46
Christ is an object of great value. How do we treat something or someone of great value? Everything else compared to it we will let go in order to have this thing of great importance.
June 2
Parable of The Weeds- Matthew 13:24-30; 36-46
There are two kingdoms. Every person is in one kingdom or the other. Both kingdoms are at work in the world and we choose which kingdom we support -the kingdom of man or the kingdom of God.
June 9
Ryan Out of Town
David Day Preaching
June 16
Ryan Out of Town
Michael Pucket Preaching
June 23
Parable of The Lost Sheep - Matthew 18:10-14
God cares about all his sheep. No thing or person is too small for God's attention.
June 30
5th Sunday with Redemption Center
Redemption Center will join us for worship.
Parable of The Unforgiving Servant - Matthew 18:23-35
If you cannot forgive then you do not understand how you have been forgiven. If you know your sin and how much God has done for you then you will forgive freely.
July 7
Parable of Laborers in the Vineyard - Matthew 20:1-16
We are to be at work in the world, but work for the kingdom not for this world. God's plan in the world is to bring the kingdom of God to earth and we are a part of this plan.
July 14
Parable of The Two Sons - Matthew 21:28-32
God received the one who asks for forgiveness with open arms, and the one who refuses to come into the party, he will not force them but they will be left on the outside.
July 21
Parable of The Tenant Farmers - Matthew 21:33-45
July 28
Parable of the Marriage Feast - Matthew 22:1-14
August 4
Philippians 1:12-27
Living in this world creates tension for the Christian. We want this world and the world to come. How do we live here with joy, hoping in Christ and doing the work of the kingdom?
August 11 (out for surgery recovery)
(video sermon - if necessary - still trying to find someone to fill in for me)
Philippians 2:1-11
The Gospel should lead us toward humility. What does living in humility look like as Christ showed us in his life?
August 18 (out for surgery recovery)
(video sermon - if necessary - still trying to find someone to fill in for me)
Philippians 2:12-17
As we work our our salvation we must remember that the light of God is made to increase in our lives, so as we grow in Christ so our priorities change. We hold fast to God's word and less to this world.
August 25
Philippians 3:1-10
If we boast in the flesh then we can have no part of the kingdom of God. Building our kingdom here is a loss for Christ, but giving up this world to advance the kingdom of God will produce fruit that will last forever.
September 1
Philippians 3:12-21
Living by faith requires effort and work. We must press toward the goal of Christ and his high calling, fixing our eyes upon him that we might hold true to what we have attained.
September 8
Philippians 4:1-9
Rejoicing is the key to curing anxiety. Through prayer we make known to God our dependence on him and he provides us a peace that surpasses our understanding.
September 15
Philippians 4:10-20
Being content in all situations is a difficult thing to master, but through the Gospel we find the heart of Christ, and when we are content in our relationship with him we will be content in this world.
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